SolarCleano Robots mini on any mounted installations. Innovative robotic solar panel cleaning solutions for a sustainable future!
The fully automated remote controlled SolarCleano robots can perform both wet and dry cleaning without modifying any components. They are the most versatile solar panel cleaning robot on the market. Pacific Panel Cleaners is the ONLY service provider in the islands with this technology. We can clean any panels you require in the most efficient and low-impact way to make sure you get the BEST service in the fastest time frame.
This machine for solar panel cleaning robot was developed while associating theory and practical experiences in the techniques of panel cleaning. Being the ONLY remote-controlled, battery-powered, and dismountable robot, it is quickly gaining a worldwide popularity in the industry. Though PPC is the first and only business to utilize it for your business’ valuable energy investment. It is appreciated for its efficiency and speed as well as for its capacity to adapt to any type of solar panel slope up to 25 feet in length!